Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Billion Graves and Family Search partnered

 Learn how to use Billion Graves to accomplish service and spiritual growth

Youth and Billion Graves

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Monday, August 25, 2014

Temple trip to do Baptisms for the dead

Our youth responded nobly to the call to be Saviors on Mount Zion.  Over 60 baptisms and confirmations were performed.  We had no immediate family files and so we followed the normal procedure.  We were, however, confirmed for the names we carried to the temple.  Our ward's  quarterly goals include (9. Adults and youth who have submitted ancestral names for temple ordinances.)  The first quarter we had 4. The second quarter we had 10.  We have the month of September to reach a new goal.  Can we do 25?  Please post if you have submitted a name this quarter.  A goal is just a wish unless it is written down.  We will have another bus trip in November.
The submission can be for any ordinance.  The goal is names submitted.  The blessings come when the work is completed.  Karla and I are here to assist anyone who needs assistance.  Please encourage other ward members to read this post and submit at least one name a quarter.  God bless your efforts.
See: Bull.etinl

Get the heads up on our website a week early.  Emailed each Thursday.  Filtered work at home sites and special offers.

Free Certification Tests

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Monday, June 2, 2014

Finding Herman


FamilySearch no longer has the direct link to Puzzola.  They have a link to Descendency that is very user friendly and easy to identify and do name submissions for ordinances that need to be done.  Try both and let me know which you find best. 

Irish Genealogy Toolkit


Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Family Search Successes

Hard Copy to Digital
The Church recently announced that most Family History Centers in North America are offering a new photo and documents scanning service. This free service will scan, transmit and store your records on your personal genealogical space in high quality digital format. What's more, it only takes minutes. 

Recently the services of, and will be made available as a free service to LDS membership.  This is being done over the course of the year and is available to those whose calling has been established for some time.  At present, brother Jennings can assist with these resources.  Over time, they will be available to all members.

If you have not visited for a while, you are due for some surprises.  It is easier to submit ordinances for temple work, attach pictures and source documents, transfer new source documents to your ancestors, and look at descendants.  

Quarterly goals now include name submissions.  It appears that it is automatically recorded and credited to the ward when you sign in and submit.  If you do not have an LDS account to sign in to the many sites that are offered, see a member of the bishopric, a clerk, or a priesthood or auxiliary adviser for assistance.

Volunteers are needed to index records.  It is a lot easier than it sounds.  A few minutes at a time is all it takes to assist in this great work going forward.  The 1940 census only took 6 months because of the many who volunteered.

Friday, March 14, 2014

New feature at Family Search helps locate cousins and complete ordinances

The Puzzilla Descendants Viewer lets researchers see descendants in FamilyTree using compact symbols that reveal patterns of incomplete research in collateral-lines. Names and details appear as you move the pointer over the symbols.
  • Clicking on an ancestor symbol in the pedigree leads to that person's descendants.
  • Clicking on a descendant symbol leads to searching for that person in FamilySearch historical records.
  • Shift-clicking on a symbol selects that person and provides information and options for that person in the left panel. provides tools to help genealogical researchers.
The Puzzilla name refers to assembling pieces of a puzzle to complete the whole, the essence of the genealogical research process.
We believe that a genealogical research database should be based on linked identities of individuals recorded in historical evidence records--the puzzle pieces--and not on merged conclusion records.
The Descendants Viewer is a free service and will remain so. The time and expense to create Puzzilla so far have been donated by a handful of people with a passion for helping others succeed in their family history and genealogical research. We plan to offer additional premium services for an annual fee so that we can hire full-time professionals and provide more free and for-fee services.