Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Our Walking Group

Norfolk First Ward has started a walking group. We started at Azalea Gardens (Botanical Gardens) but have moved to the Gallery at Military Circle as of late. The heat put the walking outside on hold.

We walk M-W-F, 8am. Entry to the mall is gained at the Food Court, which is the east side of the mall. The Gallery has a walking program in which it issues walking passes to those participating. Those passes allow us to enter the mall prior to it's 10am opening. FYI: The passes are free. One needs only to apply at the Gallery's office.

Natalie, Corrine and Amanda making good time.

Di Vinci keeping an eye on us.

The girl's off the beaten path - but certainly enjoying the serene surroundings.

Another stalker... *Ü*

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