The Home Storage Center in Richmond has been reserved for our ward on Saturday, January 7th, 2012 9-11 a.m. Please let Sister Vawdry or Brother Weedman know if you plan on making the trip, so they can let the center know how many people to expect. This is a great way to get a jump start on your food storage. What a great new year's resolution, to build up your family's food storage!
For those unfamiliar with the Home Storage Center, click the following link to see a summary sheet about it:
The address is: 8110 Virginia Pine Ct, Richmond VA 23237
If you can't make the trip but would like to order some items, Brother Weedman is willing to help. Contact him at 702-336-6629 or to arrange this.
Now if you have no idea how to get started or what food to store, here are some basic guidelines:
Each adult will need 25 pounds of grain (wheat, rice, oats, corn) and 5 pounds of dry beans to sustain life for one month. The Church recommends we start by obtaining a 3-month supply of food for our families. So for each adult, you will need 75 pounds of grain and 15 pounds of beans. Once you have that basic supply, you can add other foods. It would be really nice to have some dairy, vegetables, and fruits to go with those basics if you were living off your food supply!
Here is a link to the Order Form:
This form tells you all the foods available and their prices. Make sure you add tax, 2.5% for food and 5% for non-food items. They now accept all forms of payment - credit cards, debit cards, checks, and cash. Notice that the prices for pre-packaged items (lower-left corner) are now the same as if you pack them yourself.
When Sister Vawdry called to make the reservation, the missionary she spoke with emphasized that in the event of a natural disaster, the church would not be able to provide for the needs of all the members, so we should not be depending on them. We need to plan for ourselves and be self-reliant!
If you have any questions, please contact Sister Vawdry and she will try to address them. We are hoping to make this a regular event, so if you can't make this trip, start planning for the next one in a few months.
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