Friday, January 20, 2012

And the WINNER is...

Norfolk 1st Ward held its annual Chili Cook Off Friday, January 20th, 2012. There was chili, chili and more chili. Spicy chili, mild chili and vegetarian chili. There were self recipes, family recipes, secret recipes and famous recipes. And everyone was determined to eat some of each! There was also an apple pie bake off.
No one left hungry and a good time was had by all.

The chilis waiting to be judged.

Elders Trotter and Edens, along with Sue Moscynski taking their judging responsibilities serious. And rightly so.

Mary walks the room with the coveted Chili Cook Off Championship belt.

Linda Butler is announced winner of the apple pie bake off. Congratulations to Linda - and runner up Heidi Robertson.

Kenny Larsen was the announcer for the evening as he called out, "Are you readddddyyyyyy to ruuuummmmble?"

Glenn Doutrich is declared champion of the Chili Cook Off. Runner up Linda Block cheers on the champion.

Showing the winning chili is announcer Kenny Larsen with the newly crowned (belted) winner of the 2012 Chili Cook Off. Glenn will reign for a year and defend his title in 2013.

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